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The book’s goal is to not only teach physics principles but also to get the reader ready to confidently face the advanced level physics exam. Therefore, the book offers sufficient practice questions and questions taken from previous exams to give the student a comprehensive idea of how they will be tested on this topic. It also emphasises giving the learner exercises to complete in conjunction with the theory in order to improve their capacity for critical thought and problem-solving. I am confident that the student will become competent to face the Advanced Level exam and to apply the general concepts of physics to daily life by making effective use of this book series.





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DescriptionA book targeting an audience of Advanced Level physics students should both help them understand the concepts of physics as well as provide them the support required to answer any questions based on those concepts. Hence, this book will not only focus on the conceptual understanding of thermal physics but also will direct the reader’s attention to various related problems which will improve the critical thinking of the student. Upon referring the book and completing the included exercises, the student shall gain comprehensive understanding of the concepts that shall be instrumental not only in Advanced Level examination but also as a general life skill.
ContentThe book's goal is to not only teach physics principles but also to get the reader ready to confidently face the advanced level physics exam. Therefore, the book offers sufficient practice questions and questions taken from previous exams to give the student a comprehensive idea of how they will be tested on this topic. It also emphasises giving the learner exercises to complete in conjunction with the theory in order to improve their capacity for critical thought and problem-solving. I am confident that the student will become competent to face the Advanced Level exam and to apply the general concepts of physics to daily life by making effective use of this book series.This book is a compilation of all theoretical concepts prescribed in the syllabus complete with practice questions. All concepts are explained in great detail and supported with examples where necessary to ensure that students gain a complete understanding. As this novel approach in physics may be different from the traditional Newtonian physics that the student is accustomed to, each lesson was compiled with strict attention to ensure the ease of understanding.  This is the 11th book in a series covering the entirety of the Advanced Level Physics syllabus.Mechanics, one of the most widely used concepts of physics, also happens to be the biggest topic taken under discussion in the G. C. E. Advanced Level Local syllabus. This book is a supplementary, yet concise guide to this significant branch of physics, designed in such a way that any student of varying intellect can effectively grasp the subject matter. This volume, aptly titled “MOVING ON,” takes the student on an extravaganza of Mechanics, unlike any other product of the sort available in the market. In fact, this book, being the second installation of the series of textbooks published by LivePhysics, fills the void in the availability of a comprehensible, reliable and complete textbook for the English Medium Advanced Level Local Physics syllabus.A book targeting an audience of Advanced Level physics students should both help them understand the concepts of physics as well as provide them the support required to answer any questions based on those concepts. Hence, this book will not only focus on the conceptual understanding of thermal physics but also will direct the reader’s attention to various related problems which will improve the critical thinking of the student. Upon referring the book and completing the included exercises, the student shall gain comprehensive understanding of the concepts that shall be instrumental not only in Advanced Level examination but also as a general life skill.Mechanics, one of the most widely used concepts of physics, also happens to be the biggest topic taken under discussion in the G. C. E. Advanced Level Local syllabus. This book is a supplementary, yet concise guide to this significant branch of physics, designed in such a way that any student of varying intellect can effectively grasp the subject matter. This volume, aptly titled “TALE OF TWIST,” takes the student on an extravaganza of Mechanics, unlike any other product of the sort available in the market. In fact, this book, being the second installation of the series of textbooks published by LivePhysics, fills the void in the availability of a comprehensible, reliable and complete textbook for the English Medium Advanced Level Local Physics syllabus.This book is a very basic introduction to Measurements, one of the most important aspects of physics. It is designed for G.C.E. Advanced Level students or anyone with G.C.E. Ordinary Level understanding of mathematics and science. To refer this book no prior understanding of physics is required. The main objective of this book is to help students think about the world of physics in terms of measurements. This is the first book of a series of books covering the entire syllabus of Advanced Level physics. In the near future, books will be available for the other units; Mechanics, Oscillations – Waves – Sound and Light, Thermal Physics, Fields, Current Electricity, Digital Electronics, Properties of Matter and Matter and Radiation. Later, a single book will be available, which would include all the above-mentioned units. 
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Matter and Radiation








Thermal Physics




Mechanics – Rotational & circular motion





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